No Drama for You, Mama…Purging So-Called Friends

Oh, Ladies…we are amazing at creating, continuing, perpetuating drama in general. Aren’t we? At least we WERE (you know, before maturity kicked in)! But now that we have families, isn’t it time to weed through some of those friends who just don’t get it, and move on to finding kindred spirits (to quote Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables)?

I was listening to a podcast recently about being a friend, and the speaker said, “In today’s culture, we use the term “friend” a little too loosely…like having 679 friends on Facebook? Really? Do they know you inside and out? Your greatest fears or your greatest dreams? Yeah, probably not…and if they do then you are posting way too much on FB!” It’s funny, but it’s also completely true.

But now you are a mom. Time is precious. Energy is even more precious. And though priorities are almost dictated to you by life and the responsibilities involved with being a mom, you also come to realize you have to hold on to your true and fast friends with voracity. They will be your life jacket when the sea waters become rough; they will be your comic relief when things just get a little too serious; they will be your sanity when you finally lose yours; and they will love you even when you lose the love for yourself.

Because friends become vital to our existence as women (in such a different way than men), it is time to start choosing your friends (those who will accompany you on this crazy journey of life) wisely. So what qualities do you need to look for? What is important during this time? And what (who) can you dare to let go of?

Join Erin and Rebecca for in-depth look at friendships and what to expect of them once you’re done expecting!

Before you go meet one of your girlfriends for coffee…you know that kindred spirit, LIKE our video, SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel, and LEAVE A COMMENT below…what do you look for in a solid friend?

Have any questions for us…click on the “Email Us” link at the top of this page!  We can’t wait to hear from you.

Until next post-



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