Hello Friends!

We are so excited to begin this “little” venture with you…literally born as an idea six years ago when my Baby Girl was born!

While pregnant with my first, I read book after book trying to grasp the enormity and gravity of what motherhood was going to transform my little life into.  And yet, after my Kid was born 8 years ago, I never really found a true, honest look at pregnancy, preparation, and ultimately parenthood.

So, fast-forward two years later, my Baby Girl entered the world…and so did my stack of index cards.  For the next 18 months, I carried index cards with me everywhere.  I took notes, wrote anecdotes, jotted down epiphanies and “I-wish-someone-told-me’s”…and then those cards sat in a fancy accordion file folder that gathered dust in the corner of my bedroom, as all good dreamers and visionaries do.  We are great at starting, dreaming, doing…but really quite terrible at finishing!

But, thanks to my dear friend and, quite truthfully, one of the most honest women I know, Erin, I have been reminded that we all have experiences to share with each other, with the hope that the next will do it even better than us!  Along with her hubby, Jeff, Erin is on her way to welcoming not one, but two, bundles of boy joy (The Dudes) in her life!  And how honored am I that she would want to pick my brain about this journey to anticipate, welcome, and shape those two little lives!

So, as you watch, please know we are just two friends…who once played on a junior high softball team together, who later reconnected while teaching junior and senior high together, and have remained fast friends, encouragers, and supporters of one another through marriages and babies.  We are just two ordinary moms who don’t have all the answers, nor all the questions.  We are two women who love our families and the Lord intensely…but who are not afraid to grapple with the real issues that come with raising a family.

And so, you are invited to join in on the conversation…we want to hear from you, walk alongside you, assure you that you are not alone, and that we’re all bumbling along the same road!

For ladies, this is the true and exciting tale that is told in between friends.

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