Pregnancy and Your Extended Family: Oh, the Family Webs We Weave

Just the word “legacy” can create delusions of grandeur in any soon-to-be grandparent, while we (the parents) start sweating nervously wondering how on earth we will navigate the inevitable stickiness of extended family.

Erin even throws around the word “heirs” which conjures up images of William and Kate walking down the aisle, holding the hopes of the entire nation for the future British royalty in their ability to produce a son. No pressure, people. Seriously! (And let’s just take a moment to breathe a sigh of relief that we’re not Kate! One bad meal with some stomach gas, and it’s then flashed across all newspapers that she’s pregnant! The royal bump watch! I want to tell the people to get a hobby!! HAA!)

And yet, is it much different for our parents, the soon-to-be grandparents? To have a grandchild can mean so many things: a chance to do things different, a chance to show them the best side of them (you can do that when you’re not around the child 24/7, you know?), a chance to spoil them rotten while not really caring about discipline, and maybe even a chance to start over again with you their child through your baby.

But how do you, the parents, prevent those inevitable mixups and differences of opinions? How do you maintain your family’s values and beliefs while inviting the grandparents to participate in a way that won’t undermine what you are trying to do? How do you define proactive boundaries and lower everyone’s expectations on this new and forming relationship?

Erin and Rebecca only begin to scratch the surface of this topic. But we’d love your feedback! Please click on the “Email Us!” link on the right sidebar and let us know what we left out, what you’d like further ideas about, and how we can support you even more!

Then bump over to our YouTube channel and subscribe! We’d love to be part of your family!

Until next post…take care! (That’s my favorite tagline in the videos if you haven’t noticed yet! And yes, I even annoy myself!) Love!!

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