How Soon After Baby Do You Return to Work??

We hate this title, because somehow in our culture today this is about as polarizing of a topic as can be among women. How weird is it that controversy divides us after we have all decided to open our hearts and lives up to take this gigantic leap into motherhood, which is noble in itself? Literally, we decided along with our spouse, to give up “us” to have a new life join ours. It’s seriously amazing! So no matter where you fall on the work-stay home spectrum, we are all seriously warrior mamas! YEAH!

It’s a bummer that we even have to choose between our career (that we fought long and hard to earn through school, work, and lame assignments that have nothing to do with the real world…sorry Professors!!) and being with the ones we love and would quite frankly lay down our lives for! And yet, we do. To go back to work full-time, to work creatively with flexible hours, to work from home, to work for ourselves, to stay at home for awhile and then go back, it’s nutty how many options there are. But let’s face it! The options are many compared to 20 years ago! (Just check out Etsy for proof of women (yes a stereotype) being amazingly creative!)

So watch as Erin and Rebecca (and Rebecca’s nephew) literally chew over this topic and spend some time understanding the pros and cons to both sides without giving any preference to one over the other! Instead of dividing lines, we want you to know we get it. And no matter what decision you have made for your family, the grass will be greener on the otherside, unless you choose to water and fertilize your own grass. In other words, to quote my (Rebecca’s) favorite lady in the happy world of art, Mary Engelbreit, “Bloom where you are planted.” Whatever decision you have made for yourself and your family, bloom right there. Life is what you make of it! But that’s probably a whole other video! 🙂

LIKE our video, SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel (you will never know what special guest we’ll have on next time! HEE!), and COMMENT BELOW…what are you doing in regards to work? What are your thoughts on it?

Have a burning question? Click on “Email Us” in the upper right hand corner and let us know what you’re thinking!

Until next post-

We remain fond of you!


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