On-Line Message Boards for Moms and Moms-To-Be…Helpful or Hurtful?

Technology is a beautiful thing. Or is it? Who’s to say? So much of our society has moved to getting information and having relationships via the internet. And, we are very aware that we are TOTALLY those people! We are thankful that you found us on YouTube and that you take time out of your day to spend a few minutes with us! We love having you invite us into your world for a moment or two.

However, is there ever a point when the internet, particularly mommy message boards can ever get to be too much? Too much unsubstantiated information, too many opinions, too little understanding, and even too little filters stopping us from saying things that we would never say to another human being face-to-face.

Have you ever joined a message board with great expectations, especially as an expectant mom, only to be totally turned off by the lack of common support among women in general? Yea, us too (which is why Rebecca never goes on them. HEE!!)

So here is our humble opinion about on-line message boards. YES, we know this seems like the “pot calling the kettle black”, but we promise, we get you! We get why you are going on-line looking for friendships, but we want to encourage you to get out there and actually experience friendships face-to-face. They will be life-saving for every season of your life! We promise! 🙂

Before you text a friend (because we know it’s easier to text than actually dial a number…we totally do it too!!), LIKE our video, SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel, and COMMENT BELOW, how do you keep out of the message board drama…or do you like the drama??

Have any questions? Click on the “Email Us” link above and give us something to think about! We’d love it!!

Until next post-

Loads of love!


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